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6 Month Flight Prep Program

At the end of this 6 months Flight Prep Group together, you will know exactly what the requirements are for Flight, what your individualized plan looks like to get to Flight Nursing ,and what to be doing each year of getting there. If you are ready to apply now, you’ll have the confidence to get hired NOW and transition into the new role through all the interview prep taught in the group.

My Mission

Hello! Janessa here! Thanks for following and expressing interest in my Flight Prep Group.

 I am almost 40 years old, and have been a nurse for 12 years. I did Flight Nursing for almost 7 of those years. I retired as a Flight Nurse in January of 2023, and am now dedicated Full time to helping people get into Flight Nursing!

 During my time of flying, I precepted a lot of new nurses, sat in a lot of interviews, and helped people successfully transition into the role. And, I’m ready to share with you how to successfully get hired!

 My mission is to help every nurse and medic get to that dream of doing this job, to stay on track and believe it is POSSIBLE to get there and get HIRED.

 You see, I have this belief that a lot of people WANT it, but can’t get pass the mental blocks they are having, the confusion of the requirements, and the limiting factors that others place on them.

 Some people apply and don’t hear anything, and think companies aren’t interested.

 I coach you on how to NAVIGATE all of this and have, doubt the whole way and still get HIRED.

 It is what I have helped lots of people do ALREADY.

 This job is incredible, and I have the belief that anyone who WANTS it can have it, with the right mindset and guidance.

 Because, the work we do matters, and I want to help more people to become a part of this industry.

 It was life changing to me, and helped me grow into the person, Mother, Nurse, and team player I wanted to be.

 And, I want that for YOU too!




With my coaching and an individualized plan to stay on track and out of confusion!

Who is this Group For?

If you a ER or ICU Nurse, or Medic, working in the US, and interested in getting into Flight Nursing,

Then, you don’t want to miss being a part of my next Flight Prep Group.

I’m teaching you exactly what the Flight Companies requirements are.

What they are looking for in candidates, and how to confidently pass and sit in these Flight Interviews.

No one else in this industry is doing this the way I do.

I combine mindset work and what is required for Flight to not only help you get hired but create success for transitioning into the new role.

The journey doesn’t have to feel a long way away.

I can walk you through a clear path to getting started with flight nursing.

And I’ll share how I can make the process easier, should you choose to go in this direction.

I have been here. I know how it feels. And I have helped so many nurses make this transition.

YOU can too.

Come map out your plan and start taking actions towards getting HIRED in Flight now.


Flight Prep Program

When most people come to me they want to know all the departments, certifications, courses, and books they need to read to make themselves LOOK better and get hired into Flight.

I tell them once they have met the minimum time requirement of ICU or ER, around 3 years for most companies, that it is ENOUGH.

They don’t believe me.

They think in the interview, that it will be necessary to display all their time and experience.

That is not what they are looking for.

They want to know WHO you are, what you VALUE, and the TEAM PLAYER you are.

My coaching teaches you the requirements for Flight while focusing on the mindset that WILL get you hired.

Everything else that you need to know as far as the basics of getting hired for interview, I will TEACH you.

Get into this room way  before you are ready to apply so that you are not slipping into unintentional paths you think you NEED to go down, and will take you much longer to get there.


I see people start in an ER, then think they need ICU experience, or vice versa, then they think they need pediatric, then pre-hospital, then cardiac devices, all while trying to out run the thought “They are not good enough.”


I see people chase big Level 1 trauma hospitals, all the CERTS, all the classes,  because they think it makes them look better. Flight companies are not looking for THIS. You can work in a small bed rural hospital for all 3 years and STILL get HIRED. 


The problem with this is that you will spend YEARS trying to do ALL the things, when it could have served you to stay in one department and grow the leadership skills and qualities they are looking for. 

Come find out what is EXACLY needed and what is NOT.

Come work on the thoughts required to get there and the obstacles you are personally facing.

If you don’t believe you are a Flight Nurse, they won’t either.

The people who come and prep with me earlier to getting hired, I am seeing transition into the role more confidently with less impster syndrome.

No on else in this industry is teaching this like I do, combined with the mindset work required to create sucess after getting hired.

And, I’m helping more Nurses and Medics get hired in a QUICKER amount of time then ever before.

Be set on your destination, instead of getting stuck on where to start or where you are at.

This Group will help you handle life and circumstances as they happen, AND help you work towards your dream Flight Goal.

Whatever weakness you think you have now, they will be magnified when you get to Flight.

I can help you work through those now, and find out how to have doubt AND be confident at the same time.

These are the tools you’ll be able to take with you for the rest of your career. 

I explain to you the actions to be taking Year 1 of ICU or ER, Year 2, and Year 3. You will have clarity of the EXACT requirements for Flight companies and what you need and DON’T need.


3 year break down Break Down to Flight and each step I help you with in our time together:

If you are on Year 1 of working ICU or ER and what I help you with:

-Get yourself into an ER or ICU right after graduation to start clocking your time towards Flight! My coaching helps you with specifically what they are looking for in these units, how to reach out about these jobs, and helps you interview prep to get hired! (Even if you are a new grad and have never worked in these departments before.

-I teach you how to get your Resume Flight Ready to take to all your ride alongs and when having conversations with Flight companies.

-Network with Flight companies: Reach out to managers, recruiters, people you know that work at the companies to do ride alongs. Doing this right away has them getting to know you and knowing your name and that you are interested and watching for you in the next 3 years! (You want them to know you BEFORE the interview, if they do, they are more bought in!) I’ll show you how to do this. I teach you how to get ride alongs and how to ask for them.

-Start growing your critical thinking skills and confidence by evaluating your shifts and patients regularly, we grow your confidence by coaching your brain to overcome some of the mental blocks and doubts you are having.

-Take on leadership positions: Seek out opportunities to help role out equipment, training, or be on committees or councils. Flight companies are looking at where you have gone above and beyond your staff position and showcased being a team player.


If you are on Year 2 of working ICU or ER and what I help you with:

-Everything listed above, but now we are starting to interview prep.

-I recommend all my clients to apply 6 months prior to meeting the 3 year requirement, as I am helping more people get contingent offers and getting hired early as an exceptions for companies. This is done by having a really great interview. I will show you how to do all this through my 3 step interview prep process of mindset prep, panel interview prep, and case scenario prep.

-We want to double down on telling managers and people you are networking, your intentions of applying and when, and doing ride alongs on a regular and more continuous basis.

-We are talking about and narrowing down where you plan on applying and with which companies. ( I give you my philosophy that we want to “speed date” all of them, see year 3 for more!)


If you are on Year 3 of working ICU or ER and what I help you with:

-Everything listed above, but you are now applying to companies!

-I teach exactly HOW to go about this, by not just looking for opening of online applications. (Most people who just search the internet and apply and wait for an interview don’t get hired) I teach you how to reach out to recruiters, managers, and companies regarding jobs and how to go about getting yourself interviews with as many companies as possible.

-“SPEED DATE”: Some people get very caught up in wanting to work one company or base. And, while that is fine, most people don’t date 1 person then decide to marry them. Same with Flight companies, we want to sit in as many interviews as possible to speed date them and see if they are a good fit for you, as much as they are seeing if you are a good fit for them. This exposes you to a lot of interview practice and to finding out what each companies values to see if it matches what you want.

-I help you receive multiple offers so you HAVE CHOICES, and teach you how to always negotiate your offer to ask for what you exactly want.

-I give you an insight of what exactly they are looking for as we go through 3 steps of interview prep with mindset, panel interview prep, and case scenario prep.

-Most important in year 3: My job is not to just get your hired, but to help you transition into the role more seamlessly, with less imposter syndrome and more confidence. My clients who work with me early on, are doing this much better than the ones who meet with me right before applying. Whatever doubt you are having, will be magnified once you are hired. Coaching can help you continuously work on these, so that your transition into the role comes with much less angst and overwhelm. More importantly than helping you get hired, I want to help you feel confident and ready to do the job as a Flight Nurse.


At the end of the 6 months together, you will know exactly what your 3 years looks like and each action to be taking all the way to getting hired.


If you have met the 3 year requirement and are ready to apply, I prep you with 3 simples steps of:


1) Mindset work: Building the belief that you are a Flight Nurse by overcoming thoughts of “I don’t have enough time and experience, or2) Panel Interview I don’t know enough” How to have doubt in the interview and still show up confidently and successfully.

2) Panel Interview Preparation: I teach you the key players in the interview, and what types of questions to expect, and HOW to go about answering them authentically. We really work on getting out of their head, and what they want to hear, and back into yours.

3) Case Scenario Preparation: How to systematically verbalize any case scenario they give you, with you leading and successfully getting through it confidently. This will be about 50%-75% of your interview and most nurses do not know how to lead this by verbalizing their actions. I’ll teach you how to do this.

If you are ready to apply to Flight companies now, you will get an additional weekly meeting to just focus on these 3 steps of getting hired.


You will have the result of knowing exactly what your 3 years looks like leading up to Flight, and which actions to take and NOT take.


I see many people spend years trying to “make their resume look good, and trying to out run their thought, “I am not good enough.”


They get ER experience, then move to ICU, then think they need pre-hospital, then move to pediatrics, and then think they need cardiac devices. All while trying to out run the thought that the think it “makes them look better.”


Come work on your belief in getting to Flight. This is what will get you HIRED!


You’ll know exactly what your plan is, and be able to take action all the way there to getting HIRED, without the confusion and overwhelm of the steps.


When you get hired into Flight using this group, you’ll get the opportunity to be with other newly transitioned Flight Nurses and Flight Medics and you can use the coaching to step into this role more confidently with less imposter syndrome.


The Nurses that start their 3 year plan earlier to getting hired with me, are making easier transitions into the role, as my coaching really focuses on your mindset to overcome your mental obstacles you are having throughout the whole process.


What does the 6 month Flight Prep Group Include?

  • One initial 1:1 Session-45 minute session to map out your individualized plan to Flight Nursing.

  • Meets from June 11th-December 3rd, every Tuesday over zoom from 12:00-13:00 PST

  • Weekly x 60 minute sessions over zoom for 6 months (23 Sessions) with recordings of every session to go back and watch. This Group coaching is weekly mindset and support as you are taking all the actions towards this goal


  • Group Chat in Whats App with other ER, ICU, Nurses, Medics and other Flight Medics and Nurses that you can network and get support from on an ongoing bases

  • Whats App Support from me continuously: M-F 08:00-15:00 PST/unlimited email support.

  • If you are applying to Flight Companies, you will also get an additional day each Thursday @ 12:00 PST, on top of our weekly session on Tuesdays, to Flight Interview Prep continuously to be ready for an interview at any time. (2 sessions to meet with me each week)



This Flight Prep Group, will offer you the opportunity to get ongoing support from me on a weekly basis, but also to be in a group with people who are going through the same process as you.


You will have a lot of doubt, friends and family will offer you a lot of thoughts. It will remain important to be in a room with people who understand what you are going through, can support you, and have you not FEEL ALONE.


There will be nurses and medics in all different stages of going through this. Group coaching gives you the opportunity to learn from them, see what is working and not working, and troubleshoot ahead of time so you don’t face the same problems they are facing. You don’t have to be the one to be getting coached to get a lot out of it. Sometimes, seeing someone else get coached gives you a bigger result, because you’re not stuck in your head as I am asking you questions.

 The conversation is different, the accountability and support will be there, and you will get to Flight and get HIRED!


Come make your dream of getting into Flight a reality.


I will help you get there.


Your suit with your name badge is waiting for you, and no one else can wear it but you.


But, you have to be willing to come get it.


I’ll show you EXACTLY HOW.


Let’s get HIRED NOW.


Click on the link to pay and join the next Flight Prep Group and to secure your spot for June.


Immediately after you pay, you’ll receive an email to set up your 1:1 session to map our your individualized plan to get started on NOW.

Why Not Going At It ALONE Is So Important

You’re going to experience a lot of high highs and low lows as you are trying to get to Flight. 


Come be supported the whole way to stay on track and cut out all the time you would have spent spinning and going in the wrong direction.


It will also be important to be in a room with people of where you want to be so you can prevent yourself from making some common mistakes ahead of time


You will also get the support from those who are going through the same thoughts and feelings you are and the people who just went through it.


I combine my 7 years of experience of flight nursing, with the people I trained, interviews I sat in, and all the people I helped get into Flight, prevent you from making the mistakes I have seen people make.


Let’s cut out the fluff.


And, get into Flight Nursing with more ease and clarity. 


I’ll show you HOW.


Click on link to find out more about the group.


You can book a consult, if you still have questions.


I’m taking 15 people who want to get HIRED now into Flight Nursing.


You ready?!


Let’s go get it!


Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is this group for?

Nurses who currently work in an ER or ICU or any current medic in the US.


I don’t work in an ER or ICU as an RN yet? Can you help me get hired in these units?

YES! I do interview prep to help you get hired in an ER or ICU without any experience even if you are a new grad!


Can I be a nursing student?

You can, but only if you plan on graduating near the start date of the June 2024.


Can I be a Nurse in another Country?

Right now, I only know and coach on the Flight Nursing Requirements in the US.


What are the requirements for Flight?

I teach you the minimum requirement for the US and all the other fluff you can cut out to save you time and get you there in the shortest route possible.


If I have questions about his group or want to chat more, how do I?

Feel free to DM me on Instagram, or book a Consult. I have a lot of people in the Que for consults and am about 6 weeks booked out to chat. If you want to secure your spot for this group, you can skip the line and get start working with me NOW before the group as spots will be limited for the June Group.


I’m hesitant to be in a Group.

Being in a Group setting gives you an opportunity to realize you are not alone in the the thoughts and feelings you are having. You’ll get to work through obstacles you are having by watching other people get coached and prevent yourself of making the same mistakes, by being in a group with being of where you want to be. Results happen quicker in Group settings.


I am worried about the cost of the Program.

I understand that this is in investment that you have probably have never made before, as coaching is new for most of you. If you knew that you could get to flight, would you want to make the investment? Would the future you as a Flight Nurse find this to be helpful? Would he/she say to make the investment if it could guarantee you getting there with more confidence and ease? If it is a Yes, I promise you’ll never regret the skills and tools I will teach you that you can take with you for the rest of your career. Invest in your future, it will be worth it. I promise. What I teach in my program is exactly the guidance I wish I had to get hired into Flight successfully. This process I have taken you through has helped lots of other get hired quicker and with more confidence.  Having a plan to get there is the first step getting to this big goal. I will not let you fail, and I have you the whole time.


Next Free Webinar: How To Become a Flight Nurse

Next Free Webinar: Monday, May 6th @ 10:00 PST/ 11:00 MST/ 12:00 CST/ 13:00 EST. 

Book A Consult

If you still have questions about the group, feel free to reach out to me by DM or by email at

You can also Book A Consult to chat more about the Group.

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